Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Ticket/Dates/Location [Marshadow+Necrozma]
With the return of the largest Pokemon GO Fest 2024, trainers can expect even more gameplay options locally and worldwide! Join the millions of Pokémon GO players worldwide and prepare for thrilling quests, unique gaming experiences, and more.

- Part 1: When& Where will Pokémon GO Fest 2024 Be?
- Part 2: What Is The New Pokémon in Pokémon GO 2024?
- Part 3: What Is The Difference between Different Pokémon Go Fest 2024 Locations?
- Part 4: How to Attend Pokémon GO Fest without Tickets?HOT
Part 1: When& Where will Pokémon GO Fest 2024 Be?
Explore the vibrant world of the Pokémon festival at Pokemon GO Fest 2024. Secure your Pokemon Go Fest ticket for events in Sendai, Madrid, NYC, and globally.
Location | Price | Dates/Time |
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Sendai, Japan | 3600 JPY(22.92 USD) |
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Madrid, Spain | 32 EUR (34.29 USD) |
Pokemon GO Fest 2024:NYC, USA | 30 USD |
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global | Free or 14.99 USD |
Part 2: What Is The New Pokémon in Pokémon GO Fest 2024?
Get ready for new encounters at Pokemon Go Fest Global! Featuring fresh additions to Pokemon Fest global, dive into the excitement of new Pokémon discoveries.

1. Necrozma and Marshadow
Necrozma and Marshadow, oh Lord! These two, along with Drampa, Pyukumuku, Cetoddle, Cetitan, Mudbray, and Mudsdale, were some of the first ultra-rare Pokémon discovered.
Marshadow Features
Marshadow is a distinct and fascinating Pokémon that possesses a few essential features. It is a physical Ghost-type attack that deals damage and steals the target's stat boosts, making it a potent tool in competitive play.
- Dual Typing.
- Move Set Variety.
- Z-Move.
- Technician Ability.
- Signature move: Spectral Thief.
Necrozma Features

Raids for the Prism Pokémon Necrozma will launch during Pokémon GO Fest 2024, marking the game's global premiere! Trainers in New York City will have the opportunity to command Raid Battles for Necrozma during the event weekend.
- Prism Armor Ability.
- Ultra Burst.
- Necrozma is a Pokémon of the Psychic type that can change into various shapes.
- Prismatic Laser, a potent Special Attack that needs a recharge turn after.
- Photon Geyser, inflicts damage according to which stat is higher, Attack or Special Attack.
Watch the Video Guide to See How to Get FUSION NECROZMA in Pokemon Go Fest 2024
2. Umbreon and Espeon

Umbreon and Espeon are throwing a lavish celebration for GO Fest 2024. During GO Fest 2024, Espeon in a daytime scarf and Umbreon in a nighttime scarf will be drawn to Incense for Trainers with tickets. Only the Global event will they be attending.
Umbreon Features
Umbreon has a sleek, black coat with glowing yellow rings that go dark, reflecting its Dark typing. Its relationship to the moon is implied by this design.
- Synchronize Ability.
- Bulk and Durability.
- Dark-Type Characteristics.
Espeon Features
Espeon has a sleek, lilac body with a red gem on its forehead, symbolizing its psychic powers. This design reflects its psychic nature. This relates to its association with the sun and its function in Pokémon mythology.
- Magic Bounce Ability.
- Psychic-Type Characteristics.
- High Special Attack and Speed.
3. Pokémon GO Fest 2024 Event Features
- Collection Challenge: A game feature wherein the Trainer must obtain every Pokémon on the list during specific events. Upon completing Collection Challenges—one for each of the four habitats, various rewards will be granted, and the Elite Collector Medal's total will rise.
- GO Snapshot: Proceed to Take an AR picture of a Pokémon, you may using the Snapshot since Heat Rotom may appear in snapshots.
- Field Research in Pokemon Go: Spin the Photo Disc at adjacent PokéStops to gather Field Research tasks and earn rewards. Each PokéStop may only have one Field Research task collected each day.
Part 3: What Is The Difference between Different Pokémon Go Fest 2024 Locations?
Pokemon fans can get Ash's Pikachu for their copy of Sun and Moon, but depending on the hat they want for Pikachu, they might have to wait a little while longer. Before Pokémon GO Fest: Global in July, attendees of the in-person GO Fest will also be able to obtain Pikachu dressed as the sun and Pikachu as the moon.
Discover unique habitats and special appearances by go fest Pikachu at different Pokemon GO Fest 2024 locations.Each site offers a distinct encounter with Pikachu and Eevee adorned in celestial crowns.

A. Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Sendai, Japan
Explore the natural diversity with special Pokémon in unique habitats around Nanakita Park and intense Five-Star Raids at Pokémon Go Japan.Players may catch a Shiny one!
1. Special Pokémon in The Wild
Habitat | Pokémon |
Mountain Brook | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Lapras wearing a scarf, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Poliwag, Dratini, Totodile, Remoraid, Basculin (Blue-Striped Form), Dwebble, Tyrunt, Carbink, Dewpider, and more! |
Sky Arena | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee wearing a sun crown, Pa’u Style Oricorio, Pidgey, Farfetch'd, Ponyta, Doduo, Hitmontop, Meditite, Emolga, Noibat, Cutiefly, and more! |
Star Parade | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Furfrou (Natural Form), Sensu Style Oricorio, Staryu, Lunatone, Frillish, Frillish, Joltik, Pancham, Amaura, Jangmo-o, and more! |
Lake Garden | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Cherrim (Sunshine Form), Flabébé (Orange Flower), Marill, Sunkern, Lotad, Roselia, Solrock, Panpour, Petilil, Fomantis, and more! |
All Habitats | Klefki, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y, Unown? |
2. Special Pokémon in Raids
Five-Star Raids will be a highlight in Sendai, featuring challenging battles with rare and powerful Pokémon, enhanced rewards, and the debut of new raid mechanics. You may catch Nihilego, Xurkitree, Kartana, Guzzlord and Necrozma in Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Sendai.
B. Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Madrid, Spain
Immerse in the cultural richness of Spain with exclusive wild Pokémon and exhilarating Pokémon Go Fest raids. Players may encounter a Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO Fest!
1. Special Pokémon in The Wild
Habitat | Pokémon |
Mysterious Labyrinth | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Hisuian Voltorb, Lickitung, Natu, Baltoy, Beldum, Pansage, Munna, Petilil, Ferroseed, Espurr, and more! |
Rocky Shore | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee wearing a sun crown, Lapras wearing a scarf, Chinchou, Nosepass, Shieldon, Throh, Tirtouga, Amaura, Crabrawler, Dewpider, Jangmo-o, and more! |
Cursed Forest | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Flabébé (Orange Flower), Baile Style Oricorio, Zubat, Tangela, Sableye, Cacnea, Lunatone, Deino, Pancham, Phantump, and more! |
Sunrise Gateway | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee wearing a sun crown, Cherrim (Sunshine Form), Furfrou (Natural Form), Skarmory, Solrock, Bronzor, Fletchling, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Carbink, , and more! |
All Habitats | Klefki, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y, Unown? |
2. Special Pokémon in Raids
Madrid will feature Five-Star Raids with additional bonuses such as free Raid Passes and increased experience points, making these raids a must-try event for trainers. You may catch Nihilego, Pheromosa, Kartana, Guzzlord and Necrozma in Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Madrid.
C. Pokémon GO Fest 2024: New York City, America
Experience the vibrant cityscape of Pokémon Go Fest NYC with special Pokémon encounters and thrilling Five-Star Raids. Call your lucky friends to catch a Shiny Pokemon together!
1. Special Pokémon in The Wild
Habitat | Pokémon |
Brilliant Skies | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee wearing a sun crown, Furfrou (Natural Form), Pidgey, Doduo, Dratini, Skarmory, Pansear, Petilil, Archen, Rufflet, Jangmo-o, and more! |
Ghostly Woods | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Cherrim(Overcast Form), Flabébé (Orange Flower), Alolan Rattata, Gligar, Lunatone, Golett, Pancham, Phantump, Pumpkaboo, Oranguru, and more! |
Poolside Cabana | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee wearing a sun crown, Lapras wearing a scarf, Pa’u Style Oricorio, Pom-Pom Style Oricorio, Chinchou, Mantine, Solrock, Clamperl, Finneon, Ducklett, Frillish, and more! |
Rugged Quarry | Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Eevee wearing a moon crown, Onix, Sableye, Beldum, Shieldon, Drilbur, Dwebble, Heatmor, Tyrunt, Amaura, Carbink, and more! |
All Habitats | Klefki, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y, Unown? |
2. Special Pokémon in Raids
NYC's Five-Star Raids will offer trainers the chance to battle alongside thousands of others to capture some of the most elusive and powerful Pokémon. You may catch Nihilego, Buzzwole, Kartana, Guzzlord and Necrozma in Pokemon GO Fest 2024: NYC.
D. Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global
Join trainers worldwide in celebrating Pokémon Go Global Fest with special Pokémon in the wild, raids, and unique incense encounters. It's possible for players to catch a Shiny one!
1. Special Pokémon in The Wild
Habitat | Pokémon |
Dawn Meadow | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Pidgey, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Girafarig, Wingull, Snivy, Axew, Cottonee, Ducklett, Ferroseed, Galarian Stunfisk, Heatmor, Inkay, and more! |
Shining Day | Charmander, Dratini, Sunkern, Dunsparce, Hisuian Sneasel, Solrock, Budew, Helioptile, Tyrunt, Dedenne, Yungoos, Fomantis, Jangmo-o, and more! |
Creeping Dusk | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Eevee, Spinarak, Volbeat, Illlumise, Gible, Venipede, Emolga, Litwick, Golett, Durant, Espurr, Phantump, Grubbin, and more! |
Darkest Night | Alolan Rattata, Gligar, Sneasel, Teddiursa, Mudkip, Carvanha, Lunatone, Deino, Binacle, Amaura, Carbink, Crabrawler, Morelull,and more! |
2. Special Pokémon in Raids
Raid Type | Pokémon |
One-Star Raids | Pikachu wearing a sun crown, Pikachu wearing a moon crown, Jangmo-o; Note: The Pikachu that appear will rotate with the habitats. |
Three-Star Raids | Espeon wearing a day scarf, Umbreon wearing a night scarf |
Five-Star Raids | Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Necrozma |
3. Incense Encounters
Habitat | Pokémon |
Dawn Meadow | Maractus, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y |
Shining Day | Corsola, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y |
Creeping Dusk | Rockruff, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y |
Darkest Night | Vullaby, Unown A, Unown D, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown N, Unown T, Unown Y |
This captures the essence of each Pokémon GO Fest 2024 location, offering a unique blend of local flavor and universal appeal in the Pokémon encounters and raid challenges.
Part 4: How to Attend Pokémon GO Fest without Tickets?
In order to catch different Pokemon at Pokmon Fest, such as Espeon wearing a day scarf and Umbreon wearing a night scarf, which is unique to the global event, players need to change positions to increase their chances of getting one.
If they can change their position through iAnyGo, players will also have the opportunity to capture Marshadow multiple times and obtain Marshadow Candy!
Features of iAnyGo
- Instant Teleportation: You can instantly travel to any location and capture Pokémon unique to that region with just a single click.
- Singular Point Movement: Make your Pokémon hunting experience more engaging by simulating movement at different speeds.
- Multi-Point Movement: Create thrilling journeys to locate Pokémon by arranging complex routes across various locales.
- Joystick Navigation: You can accurately capture elusive Pokémon using a joystick for precise maneuvering.
iAnyGo helps payers to attend Pokémon GO Fest without a ticket, allowing them to participate in the event's activities anytime and anywhere. Here's a detailed how-to:
- Free Download iAnyGo:Installing the iAnyGo software on your computer should be your first step. Open iAnyGo to see its main interface after installation. The "Change Location" mode is the default.
- Select desired location: To teleport to the Pokémon GO Fest location, enter the address or GPS coordinates in the search box. For instance, you could type in "Madrid, Spain" or any other event location. On clicking "Start to Modify," iAnyGo will move your device to the given coordinates after you've chosen a destination.
- Play Pokémon GO: Turn on your device, set speed and open the Pokémon GO app. You can now participate in Pokémon GO Fest activities, such as meeting particular Pokémon, finishing challenges, and joining raids, as your game will now reflect your new location.

Final Words
A thrilling global adventure through Sendai, Madrid, and New York City and a culminating global event are all promised by Pokemon GO Fest 2024. In each location, trainers can anticipate having a unique experience by interacting with various Pokémon and participating in exclusive raids and challenges.
Players can also use iAnyGo to change their location to attend Pokemon Go Fest 2024. This festival enhances players' virtual and real-world experiences worldwide by providing an amazing chance to examine various cultures through the prism of Pokémon GO.

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- Easy to simulate GPS movement based on customized route
- GPS joystick to take better control
- Import GPX file to start a designed route

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