How to Retrieve Deleted Voicemail on Android
Voicemail is a popular way to leave a voice message to someone who is out of reach. However, it can also become a concern if you unintentionally lose or delete voicemail messages. Many scenarios can lead to the deletion of voicemails, such as accidental deletion, factory reset, insufficient storage, etc.
No matter how you lost voicemails, the important question is how to retrieve deleted voicemail on Android. That's what we intend to cover in this guide. Here, we will learn the three best methods to find deleted voicemail on Android. So, let's head right to it!
- Part 1: Can You Recover Deleted Voicemails on Android
- Part 2: How to Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Messages on Android
- Method 1. Check the Deleted Messages from Voicemail App
- Method 2. The All-in-One Tool to Find Deleted Voicemail on Android HOT
- Method 3. Contact Voicemail Support to Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Messages on Android
- Conclusion
Part 1: Can You Recover Deleted Voicemails on Android
In many cases, it is possible to recover deleted voicemails on Android. Even though it looks like voicemails are no longer on your device, they may still be intact in your internal storage unless overwritten by some other data.
Some of the ways you can try to retrieve deleted voicemails on Android include:
- Check the deleted messages from the voicemail app.
- Use a data recovery tool to find deleted voicemails.
- Contact the voicemail support to retrieve deleted voicemails.
In the next part, we are discussing all the above methods and the steps you need to follow.
Part 2: How to Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Messages on Android
There are plenty of ways on how to get back deleted voicemails on Android. However, the below three methods are the best ones to retrieve voicemails in most cases:
Method 1. Check the Deleted Messages from Voicemail App
The easiest answer to can you recover deleted voicemails on Android is to check the voicemail app. The app may temporarily hold the deleted voicemails so that you can restore them.
Here's how to retrieve deleted voicemail on Android phone from the voicemail app:
- From the Android device, open the Voicemail app and click the "Menu" icon.
Tap "Deleted Voicemails" to view all the deleted voicemails.
- Select all the messages you want to recover and click the "Recover/Save" button to restore them.
This way, you can quickly recover deleted messages from the voicemail app.
Method 2. The All-in-One Tool to Find Deleted Voicemail on Android
The second and most powerful method to find deleted voicemail on Android is by using Tenorshare UltData for Android.
Tenorshare UltData for Android is a powerful data recovery tool. It can perform a deep scan of your Android device to recover deleted voicemails, photos, videos, contacts, and other data types. After a scan, it provides a preview of recoverable data before restoring. Furthermore, it can also recover deleted WhatsApp chats and media files.
The key features of Tenorshare UltData for Android include:
- Recover messages, images, contacts, videos, and other data types from Android without root.
- Recover lost data due to accidental deletion, system crash, upgrade issues, virus attacks, and other scenarios.
- Ultra deep scan to provide the highest recovery success rate.
- Compatible with 6000+ Android devices.
In short, Tenorshare UltData for Android is your all-in-one tool to recover deleted voicemails on Android effectively. Here's how to retrieve deleted voicemails on Android using Tenorshare UltData for Android:
- Install and launch Tenorshare UltData for Android and select "Recover Lost Data" from the home screen.
- Use a USB cable to connect your Android device to your PC. Follow the onscreen instructions to enable USB debugging and complete the connection.
- Select the data types to scan and click "Start".
- Once the scan is completed, preview and select the data you want to restore and click "Recover".

That's it! This way, Tenorshare UltData for Android provides the simplest way to scan, preview, and retrieve deleted voicemail messages on Android.
Method 3. Contact Voicemail Support to Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Messages on Android
You can also contact your carrier's voicemail support to retrieve deleted voicemail messages on Android. The process can vary depending on the service provider. However, follow the general steps to learn how to retrieve deleted voicemail messages on Android by contacting voicemail support:
- Go to the service provider's website, search for voicemail support, and read instructions.
- Follow the instructions to reach the voicemail support service. Ask the support agent to submit a ticket to help you recover deleted voicemails.
Once the ticket is submitted, the carrier may soon give you back the deleted voicemails.
How to retrieve deleted voicemail on Android is achievable through multiple methods. Above, we have discussed three effective ways you can use. Out of all of them, Tenorshare UltData for Android seems the most reliable, as it performs a deep scan of the Android device and recovers all the lost voicemails. So, why waste time testing multiple methods? Install Tenorshare UltData for Android and get back deleted voicemails seamlessly.

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