Check 5 Easy Ways to Recover Deleted Voicemail Android 2024
Many times, we tend to accidentally delete voicemails, which can be very important. At such times, it is necessary to recover deleted voicemails. If you are one such user looking to recover deleted voicemail Android, then we have some best solutions to your problems.
This article will help you retrieve deleted voicemail Verizon as well as other carriers. Below are the top 5 ways that can be used to retrieve voicemails. Read below to learn how to retrieve deleted voicemail.
- Way 1. Restore Deleted Voicemail Android Using Voicemail App
- Way 2. Retrieve Voicemail from Android Phone Using Undo Option
- Way 3. Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Android via Voicemail System
- Way 4. Recover Lost Voicemails from Android During Call
- Bonus Tip. One Click to Restore Lost Data from Android Phone
Way 1. Restore Deleted Voicemail Android Using Voicemail App
The voicemail app is one of the best methods to retrieve deleted voicemails. When you accidentally delete your voicemail, it is not deleted permanently. Rather, it remains within the device for a period of time. Hence, if your voicemail messages are accidentally deleted, all you have to do is follow the below steps and know how to recover deleted voicemail.

- Go to the Voicemail app and then tap Menu.
- Next, tap the Deleted Voicemails option. This will display a list of voicemails that can be retrieved. Select the messages that you wish to keep.
- Next, as per the phone model, the app will either open a contextual menu or will add a checkmark to voicemail.
- Lastly, click Save to retrieve it on the phone.
Way 2. Retrieve Voicemail from Android Phone Using Undo Option
This method uses the built-in voicemail feature of the phone. Follow the below methods to know how to retrieve voicemail on Android phone.
- Navigate to the phone app.
Now, tap on Voicemail option present at the bottom.
- Next, click on the voicemails from the list.
Tap the Delete option and it will erase the voicemail.
- Now tap on the Undo option on the popup screen.
- Make sure to click the Undo option within seconds or you may lose the voicemails forever.
Way 3. Retrieve Deleted Voicemail Android via Voicemail System
Voicemail systems are also one of the best methods to retrieve deleted voicemails. All you have to do is follow the below steps to know how to retrieve deleted voicemails Verizon and other carries. To do this, you will need to use voicemail password. You will need to contact your carrier or service provider to reset it if you don't know your password.
- Begin by opening the voicemail app on your Android device.
- Next, call the voicemail system number. Please keep in mind that the number may differ depending on your provider. For instance: if you are using Verizon, you need to call *86. If you are using AT&T, Cellular One, or T-Mobile, you need to press and hold 1.
- Enter the voicemail password when asked.
- You can also hear saved or new voicemails. Click 1 to listen to saved messages.
- Next, tap 7 to delete a voicemail.
- Now, click 1 on the Message Playback menu. You can also press 9 to check deleted messages.
- Lastly, click 9 to save voicemail messages on the box.
Way 4. Recover Lost Voicemails from Android During Call
Another method to recover deleted voicemails is during calls. Follow the below methods to know how to retrieve deleted voicemails during calls.
- Begin by making a voice call. Make sure that you do not hang up the call.
- Next, navigate to the Message Playback menu and press the number 1.
- Next, click on number 9. This will allow you to check out your erased messages.
- Lastly, you need to press 9 again to quickly save your messages into the voicemail box.
Bonus Tip. One Click to Restore Lost Data from Android Phone
One such reliable solution to recover different kinds of data from a Android phone is Tenorshare UltData for Android. This tool can be used to recover lost or deleted data of various types, including photos, videos, messages, call history, texts, contacts and WhatsApp messages etc. from unrooted Android phones and tablets like Samsung, Google Nexus, HTC, LG, Motorola, and so forth. UltData makes it easy for you to get hold of lost data.
Below are the steps that you need to follow in order to use Tenorshare UltData for Android to know how to retrieve deleted data.
Download and install UltData for Android. Launch the software.
Select the "Recover Deleted Files" option. The tool will scan your phone's storage to find all the deleted files..
Once done, preview the data you wish to recover and click the Recover option.
This may take some time so wait patiently until the data restore is complete.

Also Read: How to Retrieve Deleted Voicemails on Samsung Galaxy
All in all, we just had a look at the top 5 methods that can be used to recover deleted voicemail Android. Among all these methods, using Tenorshare UltData for Android is the best method to know how to recover deleted voicemails. The tool can be used to recover different media files, including voicemails along with other types of data. This is done quickly and without any trouble.

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