How to Reset/Recover Voicemail Password on iPhone/Android?
Voicemail is a fantastic option for busy folks who receive several calls daily. It is because Voicemail can save voice messages for you to check and respond to whenever you have the time. The Voicemail is normally password protected, To ensure that no unauthorized individual can access the voicemails left for you. However, customers frequently forget their voicemail password, preventing them from accessing their voicemail messages. So, if you can't remember the password, read on to learn how to recover voicemail password on Android!
- Part 1: How to Reset Voicemail Password If Remember the Old One?
- Part 2: How to Recover/Reset Voicemail Password?
- Part 3: A Warm Tip: How to Recover Deleted Voicemail on Android?
- Part 4: Can I Turn Off Voicemail Password?
Part 1: How to Reset Voicemail Password If Remember the Old One?
This method is only available if you recall the original voicemail password and change it immediately on your iPhone and Android.
Go to "Settings" > "Phone" > "Delete" on your phone. Click the "Change Voicemail Password" button > Enter your current voicemail password and click "Done".
- Enter the new voicemail password and click "Done". To update your voicemail password, type your new password again and confirm.
- After that, the next time you access the voicemail notification, you can listen to the voice messages by entering the new voicemail password.
Part 2: How to Recover/Reset Voicemail Password?
- 1. Reset AT&T Voicemail Password on iPhone
- 2. Reset Voicemail Password on Android via Cricket Visual Voicemail
- 3. Recover Voicemail Password via Verizon
- 4. Recover Voicemail Password via Sprint
- 5. Recover Voicemail Password via T-Mobile
1. Reset AT&T Voicemail Password on iPhone
How to reset voicemail password for AT&T? You can reset voicemail password via a call and from websites.

AT&T voicemail password reset via a call:
- To input the wireless number beginning with the area code, dial 611 or 800-331-0500.
- Press "3" to "Get Voicemail Help" > "3" to reset your voicemail password.
- Enter the account's billing zip code, and your iPhone will display "Password Incorrect - Enter Voicemail Password" > Type the last seven digits of the wireless phone number, and then "OK".
Change AT&T voicemail password online:
- Log in to your wireless account via
- Choose "Reset Voice Mail PIN" > Reset the password and choose a wireless number from the drop-down menus > "Submit".
- After a few seconds, your iPhone will display "Password Incorrect - Enter Voicemail Password," You should enter the last seven digits of your wireless phone number and select "OK".
2. Reset Voicemail Password on Android via Cricket Visual Voicemail
How to recover voicemail password on Android? Here is to do it:
- Connect to the Cricket Visual Voicemail app.
- Select Menu and then select Settings.
- Password: Change the password for your Visual Voicemail.
- Enter your current password here. then type in the new password
- The length of your voicemail password must be between seven and fifteen digits (numbers only). Avoid using consecutive digits or simple sequences for a more secure password (ex: 2345678).
- Enter the new password again, then hit Save.
3. Recover Voicemail Password via Verizon
How to reset password for voicemail on Android phone? Verizon has the most user-friendly guide for retrieving your password if you use Verizon as your cellular network provider. If you don't know how to retrieve your Verizon voicemail password, download the My Verizon app and follow the steps below:
- Once you've downloaded it, click the "more tab" option and enter the settings.
- Scroll down to the security area and select the "manage voicemail password" option.
Now enter the necessary information and click the update button.
4. Recover Voicemail Password via Sprint
This section will take you to the Sprint official website to reset your voicemail password. It can do several things for you, such as block SMS messages and recover my voicemail password.
- Sign in to your Sprint account at
- From "My Sprint", select "My Preferences".
Choose "Change voicemail passcode" under "Things I can control online" to open the "Reset Voicemail Passcode" box and begin following the instructions to reset the voicemail passcode.
Reset voicemail password straight on the phone.
You can also reset the password straight on your phone by dialing "*2" > "Account Information" or "Changes" to get the steps to reset your voicemail passcode without going through voicemails.
5. Recover Voicemail Password via T-Mobile
Reset your T-Mobile phone password:
- To connect your Voicemail, press and hold 1 on your phone's dial pad to set up your voicemail password.
- The first time you access your new voicemail account, you will be requested to set a password, including the last four digits of your mobile phone number.
- Make a new password using a four to seven-digit code. Then record your greeting and name, and you can set the Voicemail to utilize the default settings.
- To log in to your T-Mobile account, go to the T-Mobile login page.
Follow the screen instructions to complete the password reset process by selecting "Phone" > "Check Voicemail" > "Settings" > "PIN".
Change your T-Mobile phone password:
- To connect your Voicemail, dial 1 on your phone's dial pad.
- Enter the "Password Security" service by using the "*" key > "5".
- To update your voicemail password, press "1" and follow the instructions.
Part 3: A Warm Tip: How to Recover Deleted Voicemail on Android?
Recovering and changing the voicemail password can be difficult, especially if you've never done it before. What if you unintentionally erase the Voicemail? It's a pity to lose important voicemails. If you have an Android smartphone, you can rely on Tenorshare Ultdata for Android to easily restore and recover the deleted Voicemail. Its dependable data recovery software lets users recover WhatsApp messages, photographs, and other data types.
Features of Tenorshare UltData for Android:
- Without rooting your phone, you can recover deleted images.
- Recover deleted WhatsApp messages on Android without a backup or root access.
- Download and see a backup of WhatsApp from Google Drive.
- Data from WhatsApp Business, such as images, videos, and documents, can be recovered.
- Recover deleted WeChat messages, contacts, images, and other data from Xiaomi (China) and Huawei.
Steps of Tenorshare UltData for Android:
Here's how to use this software to restore lost data from Android. First, install Tenorshare UltData for Android on your computer. Then, to recover deleted data on Android, follow the steps outlined below.
Connect Your Android Device
You will see the UI below when you run UltData for Android Data Recovery. Select the "Recover Lost Data" option. Then, using the OEM USB cable, connect your Android device.
Enable USB Debugging
Please ensure that USB debugging is enabled on your Android phone. Take note of the two buttons at the bottom. Tap it if you cannot enable USB debugging or connect to the device. Then, follow the instructions on the screen.
Keep an eye out for the two buttons at the bottom. Tap it if you cannot enable USB debugging or connect to the device. Then, follow the on-screen directions.
After you have enabled USB debugging, you must authorize your device. When a window appears on your device's screen, click "OK". Please click the program's "Show Again" button if the window does not display.
Start Scanning
When your device is connected, the screen will look like this. Please choose the file types you want to recover, then click "Start" to begin scanning your device.
Preview and Recover Lost Data on Android Phone
Following the scan, you may examine all of the files listed by list and pick any file to preview and restore.
Select the file to be restored. To save the lost data on your PC, click the "recover" option. Photo, video, and document files will be preserved in their original format; contacts, SMS, and call records will be stored in TXT, XML, and XLS files.
Part 4: Can I Turn Off Voicemail Password?
If you use your carrier's Visual Voicemail, you should be required to enter your password each time you check your messages. However, it can be time-consuming to enter the number codes each time you call your Voicemail.
Verizon subscribers, however, are unable to disable the password. However, you can contact Verizon's support team for assistance in preserving the code so that you no longer need to enter it when checking your messages.
T-Mobile subscribers will have a password, but unless you ban outbound calls, you will not have to enter it while calling from your T-Mobile phone.
Customers with AT&T can disable their Voicemail passcode by dialing Voicemail (hold down 1 in the dialer). If you have messages, press the * key to return to the main menu. Then, press 4. Press 2 to access Administrative Options, then 1 to access Password Options. Finally, dial 2 to deactivate your voicemail password.
Voicemails are fantastic since they allow you to stay in touch with folks who couldn't reach you when you were busy. However, if you're wondering, "How will I recover my voicemail password on Android?" We hope this post has helped to answer your questions. We've discussed various simple methods for resetting the voicemail password on an Android phone.
- Recover deleted WhatsApp Messages on Samsung, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO without root;
- Recover photos, contacts, messages, videos and everything you lost;
- Preview individual file before data recovery;
- Support with most Android phones and tablets;

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